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3 min read
The Art of Unsettling the W...
It always starts with a voicemail. My mother's voice, a familiar melody of accented English, asking for help with yet another paper chase.

10 min read
Amaya traced her reflection in the airplane window, her dark brown eyes shining tired despite the early hour. At thirty-two...

2 min read
About Fatima, Founder of TGSM
Writer & Diversity Consultant, Full-Time Dreamer, constantly striving to create positive change through storytelling and education.

7 min read
Commute Haters: remote or nothing!
Lena, Gabriel, and Stuart are colleagues at a prominent tech company situated in Manhattan. Despite the odds, the three of them formed...

6 min read
Peter and Paloma - Part IV
In the bustling streets of New York, Andrew found himself taken aback by the untimely morning call from Mélanie, especially on his rare...

5 min read
Ariana and Kamal - Part II
Ariana and Kamal had a picnic at Champs de Mars, enjoying the beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. Kamal went to great lengths to find Ariana

6 min read
Asher's ashes - Part II
Asher had decided to design his life to fit his needs, rather than the other way around. He knew that he needed to be a successful student..

7 min read
Peter and Paloma Flying High - Part III
The plane arrived in Dakar on time, and as Peter and Paloma began to disembark, he kindly offered to carry her luggage. Mélanie, ...

10 min read
Ariana and Kamal, friends forever and everywhere - Part I
Ariana had spent months searching for a place to rent in Paris, starting her quest while still in New York. After spending two months...

8 min read
Asher's ashes - Part I
Asher was raised in a privileged household nestled in a secure, gated community in Mexico. He had resided in Mexico since he was born.

6 min read
Peter and Paloma Flying High - Part II
Paloma felt a rising sense of vexation toward the flight attendant. Although she couldn't quite discern what precisely was irking her, she..

5 min read
The Startup Experience
Nia was incredulous upon learning that she had secured a coveted position at the premier startup in the AI industry. As she packed her belon

6 min read
Waxing Suspicion & Burning Secrets
Short story by @fatijaoui // Linda spent her entire life living on military bases, first with her parents and later with her husband. The...

8 min read
The second chance Kayla didn’t steal
A short story by @fatijaoui // Kayla and her family lived in a cramped apartment building, with their own small unit consisting of just a...

7 min read
Saved by the bus
A short story by @fatijaoui // Calista had always adored and revered her older sister for as long as she could remember. She showed her...

6 min read
The Sweet Swear Jar
A short story by @fatijaoui // Joshua was known for his coarse language and unflinching honesty. Despite her expectations, Helen, his...
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